QUOTE: From Jean-Paul Satre
"He was free, free in every way, free to behave like a fool or a machine, free to accept, free to refuse, free to equivocate; to marry, to give up the game, to drag this death weight about with him for years to come. He could do what he liked, no one had the right to advise him, there would be for him no Good or Evil unless he thought them into being."
QUOTE: From Anatole Broyard
"Summer vacation is a time for reading, and my friends come to me to borrow books because I have so many more than most people. In their innocence, they have no idea what I go through in lending a book. They don't understand that I think of myself as offering love, truth, beauty, wisdom, and consolation against death. Nor do they suspect that I feel about lending a book the way most men feel about their daughters living with a man out of wedlock."
What Our Thinkers Think---and Write (via www.foreignpolicy.com)
Foreign Policy provides us with a list of who they deem to be some of the greatest thinkers of our modern time, as well as their most recent written releases. Included on the list is Chinua Achebe with his latest "There Was A Country: A Personal History of Biafra". Your mission, should you choose to accept it---have all of these read by June of 2013....umm, that goes for me as well ;).
QUOTE: from Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
"Feeling without judgment is a washy draught indeed; but judgement untempered by feeling is too bitter and husky a morsel for human deglutition."
Ways to be (UN)happy
If I were to tell you that the furtive paths to a gratified
existence lay ahead, I would hope you would respond, “well that’s some
bullshit.” To declare that one has the “secret”
to happiness is both arrogant and illogical. How any one person’s claim to a
joyful and content life could ever be universally applied to everyone is beyond
me. However, I have listed some sure-fire ways to increase the amount of lemons
life has dealt out; and perhaps you can waltz away from this at least knowing
exactly what NOT to do to make an already naturally trial-filled time on this
planet any more difficult.
1. 1. Comparing yourself to Others.
You exist. I’m pretty sure that’s a
somewhat generic truth among the human species. With, or without your friends.
Independent of the people and images you see on TV. YOU exist. That means being
able to define yourself without reference to any other being (except God,
according to some). The key to happiness will never lie in knowing or believing
you are intelligent, beautiful, funny, spiritual…but not as much as the much as
the next person. The truth is, there will always be someone more attractive,
talented, outgoing, etc. The trick is not to go through life ignorantly
believing you are the best at everything, because that’s wrong. As much as the
word on the street is that the key to happiness means having the utmost
confidence, being unrealistic never got anyone anywhere (except maybe Don
Quixote). The secret is to simply acknowledge who you are. Embrace your
strengths; shit, embrace your weaknesses. Take in the strong suits and traits
of admiration you see in others. But don’t ever degrade your own value because
you have somehow deemed theirs to be greater. That’s a certain way to add some
more “downs” to the shitty and wonderful roller coaster we call life.
2. Defining your desires based on the status quo.
“What do you want?...BUT WHAT DO YOU
WANT??!!” My friend was looking at me like I was a fucking psycho because, at
the time that I was asking him this, my voice was in crescendo and my eyes were
starting to pop out of my head. Needless to say, I was feeling quite
impassioned. His birthday was coming up, and we were having the classic
quarter-life crisis talk about what we wanted from our lives, and where we saw
ourselves heading. He came upon the point that he, “felt like he should be
thinking about marriage soon, and children.” “Why?,” I asked him. “Is that what
you want?” To which he replied, “It just seems like what I should be doing.”
Thus ensued my raging dramatic rant. But seriously, what fucking sense does
that make?! It’s hard enough trying to decide what it is you truly want to do
in life, now you gotta worry about what the hell it is you’re supposed to do/want?! That’s a bit much,
don’t ya think? Figure out what EXACTLY it is you desire/need to do. You may
not know by the time Career Day happens in 9th grade. You may not
know until you’re 48. But shit, it’ll take you a hell of a lot longer to figure
it out if you’re trying to factor in what it is you’re
parents/teachers/peers/pastors/president all expect you should be doing. DON’T
define it in anyone else’s terms but your own.
3. 3. Thinking about life too much….as opposed to actually living it.
I think everyone can agree that a little
planning can go a long way. Sure, in an effort to save some money, map out what
you’re gonna eat for lunch that week. Need that vaca with your compadres to go
off without a hitch? No problem. You can solidify every detail of your 6-day/5-night
excursion out of the Fucksville known as your city. Think about your life.
Decide what it is you believe will bring you happiness, then come up with a
plan to get there. Maybe what will bring you happiness could possibly be 7
different scenarios. Pick one to start with. Or maybe it’s even possible that,
in order to be happy, you believe you need to accomplish 4 of those 7 paths. So
do it. The point is, make a fucking move to do something. You can keep delving deep into yourself and rethinking and
rethinking your purpose in life, and in the meantime, get so caught up that you
never end up actually accomplishing anything! None of that pressure of the
youth bullshit, either. It’s perfectly ok to not know what it is you need to be
doing until your 47. But the second you realize what it could be, and plan how
it could come about, start DOING it.
4. 4. Place value in all that you are and do…even when no one else does.
Ok, you caught me. I know, technically,
this is supposed to be a list of “don’ts” and “not to”s, but I felt that this
was such a shoe in, that I would just give it to you as a bonus.
I have been feeling tremendously lost
lately. Lost in the way that I find I have no drive, no strong need to be doing
any particular thing in order to further myself. Some may call it an early-life
crisis. I mean, I know what it is that ignites me, what I’m passionate about. Reading.
Literature. Writing. Oh, how they have been my refuge. However, I’m not certain
in which life direction these will take me. What do I do with these passions?
My mother, who is my best friend, honestly,
the love of my life, thus far, was naturally the person I turned to in such a
crisis. “Where am I going? How do I fill this hole?” Perhaps the most painful
part of this whole experience were her responses. “You could become a
stewardess. It’s not too late to go to medical school.” She twisted the knife. “You
know, most people, most of us, are not creative people. You have a lot of
creative friends, and I hate to say this honey, but maybe you’re just not
creative.” A small piece of my spirit died. My mother, whom I always felt
supported me in all that I do, essentially telling me that I probably don’t
have what it takes to pursue my dreams, however murky and undefined they may
be. I nodded, a deadpan expression on my face.
For some time afterward, I moped about,
feeling all was hopeless, wishing I had never communicated these things to her.
Then, with the help and encouragement of one my closest friends, I had a sudden
realization. All love and respect to my mother, but who gives a flying turtle fuck
what she says?! Yes, I had to come to the realization that the one person whom
I love most in the world may not support all that I am, what it is I feel is my
greatest means of expression and freedom. Well---that shit sucks. It’s just
that simple. I’m not the first person whose loved ones didn’t believe in them
and I won’t be the last. In a way, it sort of solidified that this is exactly
what I need to be pursuing. It helped me to realize that, no matter who
discredits or puts down what I do, that as long as I always know that I’ve put
the best into my work and that I value it, that no one can take away what it is
worth. In fact, I feel that’s the only way to know that what you create is
truly your calling. The only validation you need is your own. I mean, I definitely
hope for greatness. I hope to write the novel or passage that will morph some
young mind, change someone’s world. But, I must write, knowing that, that may
never come to pass. I may die having never completed one whole book, with no
one but my loved ones having known my name. But at least I will have written.
If YOU value it, then it’s worth it.
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